Drummer with Rock, RnB, Funk orientation but with skills of covering all music genres as well.Modern Music School Drum Lessons with
Stefanos Dimitriou for 4 years. Stefanos Dimitriou is a famous Greek independent drummer. 1 year lessons with Spyros Dorizas, another famous greek drummer (Spyros passed in 2013 R.I.P). In MMS, I won the 1st place in drum competition in Greece (year of 2000). In other music schools like Fakanas Art School I took drum workshops and seminars with worldwide drummers, bands and musicians like Jojo Mayer, Dom Famularo, Steve Smith, Dave Weckl, Dennis Chambers, Kostas Anastasiadis. Tony Michalakopoulos is one of the most talented groovy independent professional drummers in Greece.
Argiro Igkilizian Vocals
George Kasapidis Bass Guitar & Vocals
Tony Michalakopoulos Drums
George Bizas Keyboards
Akis Dafalias Guitas.